Day Twelve

 Saturday 05/20 @1:00 p.m. 

Though the hand-holding, high-fives, and hugs are truly amazing, the most rewarding part of my project has been how well the kids have remembered me. For example, Wednesday of last week I helped out in a kindergarten class for about 45 minutes one morning. They had some free time before their morning meeting so I simply sat on the floor with them and built blocks, played with puzzles, and talked with them. Fast forward a week and two days to yesterday, I stepped into the same kindergarten class to help out with their morning schedule, as their normal teacher was absent. Immediately upon my arrival, the kids began excitedly saying my name, wanting to come over to me. I was astonished the kids remembered me, but I was ecstatic to have been so important and memorable to them. There is nothing that compares to the feeling of being an important part of a kid’s day, or week. I helped one of the kindergarten boys with his spelling and writing, and though he was slightly discouraged and frustrated, my encouragement was enough to make him want to stay by my side for the rest of the day. I truly did receive an absurd number of hugs today, but it was just the kids' way of showing their genuine gratitude for me. Though working with them was certainly exhausting for the two weeks I spent in school, this feeling is extremely rewarding, making the patience, understanding, and creative problem-solving totally worth it. Below is a picture of me sitting with this kindergarten class, and if you can’t tell by their wide toothless smiles, and how they have completely clustered around me, we had a lot of fun together. 

Hours Today: 2

Total Hours: 53


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