Day Five

 Friday 05/12 @1:00 p.m.

Science classes, gym games, math help oh my! My days at the middle school are crazy busy, to say the least. I started off my morning sitting in on an eighth grade science class again, which has been very interesting from the standpoint of seeing what it would be like to teach rambunctious eighth graders about the subjects I am so passionate about. I have observed two different teachers, both of whom have inclusive and interactive teaching styles, and I have learned that getting younger students excited about biology and physical sciences is definitely challenging. For the next chunk of my day, I helped get students involved in some gym classes. I played four-square volleyball with eighth graders and basketball with some sixth graders. Next week is the start of their fitness testing unit, which I am excited about as I will have the opportunity to help kids learn how to lift weights. I am extremely passionate about fitness in addition to nutrition in regard to the human body, which also ties into my passion for biology. My project so far has tied in my interests in biology and fitness, the two things I hope to pursue for a career after studying in college. Next, I sat in on a social studies class where they were talking about World War I. I had the opportunity of joining a WWI Blooket to test how well I have retained knowledge from eighth grade, which was a lot of fun, but also slightly embarrassing for me. Oh well! For the last part of my day, I sat with my sister’s math class and helped some kids with linear and exponential equations and solving for slope and the y-intercept. I feel as though I have done it all today, and I am ready for the weekend!   

Hours Today: 5

Total hours: 25


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