Day Four

 Thursday 05/11 @1:30 p.m. 

After three days at the elementary school, I can confidently say that little kids are A. LOT. OF. WORK. Holy cow, as the kindergarteners would say. Today I started the morning in a first grade classroom and helped the teacher prepare some math work as well as organize some other materials for her. I was then able to sit with the class as they went through their morning meeting routine where they discussed the weather of the day, the number of school days left (only 23 yay!!), and their schedule for the day. A big theme in the first grade classrooms right now is the Phonics Song, as they are focusing on the sounds that different letter pairings make. Teaching kids the rules of the English language is quite challenging and requires significant patience. For the next part of the day, I helped out in a handful of art classes, which were very hands-on and interactive. Again, the virtue of patience is extremely important as trying to get kids to listen to directions was slightly frustrating. Lastly, I finished up my day helping out in a physical education class where I was reminded that kids seem to have endless energy, which for me, was exhausting. However, through my days with the elementary students I have come to realize that for them, even the simplest things can bring them joy or entertainment. I love seeing their fascination with even the smallest things, and their excitement at learning something new. Their innocence and curiosity are very refreshing. 

Hours Today: 5 

Total hours: 20: 


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