Day Seven

 Monday 05/15 @12:45 p.m. 

Monday at the middle school was moderately mundane. I continued with the schedule I followed last week, by starting off by observing a science class. The kids in this class are extremely energetic for it being eight in the morning. It is very difficult for the class to stay on task and make it through note-taking, and the teacher of this class often struggles with redirecting and focusing the class. Obviously, I realize the class’s lack of paying attention is not her fault, and I can see the difficulty between being firm and constructive, too passive, or too aggressive in trying to have the class focus. I have gained such an immense appreciation for educators and their patience, yet I have also learned the importance of setting boundaries and expectations, as, without them, nothing is ever completed. Besides the science class, I sat in on an advanced math class where the kids are more independent and mature, which automatically made the class more productive. Creating smaller class sizes that are dependent on the class difficulty is most productive and I am extremely thankful I was able to experience this at Proctor as it certainly made me more successful. Classes at the middle school are not at all discussion-based, unlike Proctor, and most of the time class consists of a teacher lecturing or students completing worksheets. Today I did some self-reflection on my own educational experience and have come to the realization that Proctor’s learning style has pushed me to advocate for myself and verbalize my opinions in group situations.


Hours Today: 5

Total Hours: 31


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