Day Thirteen

 Monday 05/22 @7:15 p.m. 

Raiders on three: one, two, three, Raiders! Today I helped coach a practice for the Lebanon Rec seventh and eighth-grade girls’ lacrosse team. They started with a jogging warm-up lap around the field, followed by some dynamic stretches. We then hopped into shuttles and worked on some basic passing. Afterward, we spent the bulk of practice working on clears from the goalie and getting the ball up the field. Those on attack were working on cutting towards and away from the ball to aid in the transition while those on defense were working on their ride and doubling the ball. I hopped in and helped in this drill and it was actually a lot of fun! The girls have gotten a lot better at making cleaner and smarter passes, thus their transition upfield was a lot better. It was slightly hard to keep them motivated at times, as this drill did require a lot of running, but overall they all try really hard and seem to care a lot about the sport and one another, which is what is truly most important. To conclude practice we did a drill where one person stands in the crease and the rest of the team stands on the eight-meter mark on the field. They must then pass the ball from the center to the first person on the outside and back, doing this around the entire semi-circle, consecutively, without dropping the ball. For them, this drill is very difficult, so it requires patience and encouragement from both coaches and teammates. I was able to give a few of the girls some tips on how to better throw and catch, and they actually took my feedback, used it, and were successful, which felt like a success for me as well.  

Hours Today: 2

Total Hours: 55


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